Sunday School
Our kids ages 3 thru 6th grace gather at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall. They learn about the bible stories and do a special project. They are currently talking about the life of Moses and what a life it was: a baby in a basket, plagues, and the Ten Commandments. They made Christmas cards for shut-ins and sent a valentine to EVERY member family at Zion. The whole community is invited to our Spring Carnival in May. In the summer we gather on a Saturday for Vacation Bible School.
Instruction is for youth grades 7 & 8. They meet with the pastor on Wednesday evenings. Each youth also chooses an adult to be a mentor. The youth and mentors gather every fall for a dinner to get to know each other better and make pizza. Affirmation of Baptism happens in the spring, but the mentors continue on participating in the youth’s life through High School.
Youth Group
Jr. High and High Schoolers participate in a variety of activities throughout the year, including service work and fun family things. They pack food at “Feed my Starving Children”, serve pancakes to the congregation for breakfast, play softball and take trips to Valleyfair, Como Zoo, and Trollhaugen for tubing.